
Monday, April 16, 2012

The Death of a Cutting Board - A Eulogy


With a very heavy heart and incredible sadness, I have to report that my long-time companion, the wooden cutting board, has passed away.

Her untimely death came by splitting in two.

She was my favorite board, a true champion, a culinary trooper in her own right, a very dear and long-time friend. Her rubber feet on those four corners never slipped and kept my fingers and hands always safe from all things sharp. We've been through so much together...chopping pounds of veggies, trimming endless meats, de-boning many fish and crushing innumerable types of spices. Never once has she failed me, until today, when she took her last breath while I was smashing one clove of garlic. One!

One clove of garlic was all it took? Why o' why? Is that a way to leave this Earth?

Over the years she endured several sharp blades, crushing blows from pounding meat into submission, swam through countless cycles of her arch nemesis - the dishwasher - and spent hours in said machine's sauna - the drying cycles.

In closing, I would like pay my deepest respects to my trusty wooden cutting board. As faithful as she was, as great as she is time to put her to rest.

"Mournfully and low the man of God began his eulogy of the dead, and his doleful voice, mingled with the sobbing which it was its purpose to stimulate and sustain, rose and fell, seemed to come and go, like the sound of a sullen sea." 

Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce

Rest in piece, my dear friend. You will truly be missed!

I want to thank you all for your condolences and sympathies during this difficult time.

With that said....I need a drink.

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